God is faithful to His Covenant

God is faithful to His Covenant


Ex. 24:3-8, Mt. 13:24-30. Today's first reading presents us with the “Book of the Covenant,” which is the heart of Mosaic Torah. In a solemn ceremony presided over by Moses, the covenant between God and the people is celebrated. In that occasion, God renewed and re-established the Covenant which He made with Israel. However, they disobeyed and rebelled against God as their desires and wicked thoughts but God remains patient with them. In today's Gospel, Jesus emphasises on the patience of God through the parable of the wheat and weeds. The parable reminds us of the Covenant which God made with us and many obstacles in our lives that often become stumbling blocks in our journey towards God.

The sower was no other than the Lord, while the enemy referred to satan and the forces of evil seeking our destruction. The wheat referred to the good things God has given us, the righteous and faithful people of God while the weeds are those who have rejected God and refused to believe in Him. Yet, God, as "The Sower", did not want to remove those weeds before the appointed time, allowing the wheat to grow together with the weeds. This is to remind us of the loving mercy of our God that allows the co-existence of good and bad. Despite our disobedience, stubbornness and constant rejection of His love through sin, God is ever patient. He extends the opportunities of His forgiveness and heals our shortcomings and faults, by His infinite grace and love. Sin has no place before God: if we remain adamant in our rejection of God and refusal to repent from those sins, then just like the weeds in the parable, in the end of time, we will be cast out into the eternal fire because of our own decision to reject God and His generous love.

May the Lord help us that our efforts to attain eternal life not be a waste, may the universe be alive with the Spirit and our homes be the pledge of a renewed world! Amen!! Good morning, and have a wonderful weekend!!!

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