The Feast of St James

The Feast of St James


2 Cor. 4:7-15, Mt. 20:20-28. On this day we celebrate the feast of one of the great Apostles of Christ, St James. To distinguish him from 'James the Just', he is also called 'James the Great'. He was the brother of John the Apostle and first Bishop of Jerusalem. In today's Gospel, James and John went with their mother, seeking the place of honour by the side of Jesus. The other disciples, were very angry at what the two brothers had done and only after the Lord rebuked them that they simmered down. Instead, the Lord made it clear that His disciples must choose a life of struggle in this world, when He mentioned the cup of suffering that He had to endure, the suffering and pain, the burden and the heavy responsibility of the Cross.

Just as Jesus had to suffer and be rejected by the world, He revealed that His disciples should suffer in the same way. James endured such suffering as he took Jesus as his most treasured vessel. As today's first reading tells us, that we receive a great treasure from Christ, the true treasure of our lives that can never be lost from us, unless we reject the treasure that Christ gives us. This most precious treasure is the promise of eternal life and glory, true happiness and joy of sharing in God’s inheritance through the salvation which He brought us. It is hope in that promise of the great and true treasures of the Lord that helped James to persevere even through the most difficult persecutions and challenges, knowing that while all the treasures of this world, treasures of power, human glory, fame and wealth can be destroyed, the true treasure that is assured for us in God will never be destroyed.

May the Lord be with us in all our trials and may He not allow us to fall away from the right paths! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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