Go to the lost sheep of Israel

Go to the lost sheep of Israel


Gen. 41:55-57.42:5-7.17-24, Mt. 10:1-7. Today's first reading recalls the event about Joseph and his brothers in Egypt at the time when the world experienced a widespread famine. Joseph, having been abandoned by his brothers many years before, had become the powerful Regent of Egypt. The brothers of Joseph came to him without knowing whom he was but he recognised them. There are some parallels in the meeting and the story recounted in today's Gospel when Jesus chose His twelve disciples. The number, twelve, has a particular significance in the Bible as it represents the completeness of things, as the whole nation of Israel eventually came from these twelve sons of Jacob, becoming the twelve tribes of Israel. Jesus called them with the mission to go to the lost sheep of Israel and reunite all the scattered people.

When Jesus told them not to go to the pagan territories, it was not that the Lord was biased against the non-Jews and pagans, but it was because at that time, the primary objective was for the Word of God to be preached to the people whom God had first called. This intention is for them to bring together the scattered flock from all peoples and nations. God does not withhold His living word from us, even when we show ourselves unworthy of it. Sending out his twelve apostles, Jesus continues to shed his light into the darkest and most troubled places of our lives. He keeps offering us the bread of His word to satisfy our deepest hunger. As He does so, He waits for us and satisfy our needs.

May the Lord continue to guide us in the right path and bless our endeavours! Amen!! Good morning and have a great day!!!

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