I will never let you go unless you bless me

I will never let you go unless you bless me


Gen. 28:10-22, Mt. 9:18-26. Today's first reading presents Jacob's vision of a staircase leading to Heaven. Jacob was on the run from the land of Canaan to the land of his ancestors, the relatives of his father for refuge. In this vision, God reassures Jacob of His protection in his darkest moments, especially when he was most vulnerable and at the weakest point of his life. He would not abandon him to destruction and He would continue to guide him as He has promised His forefathers. God also renewed the promise He made with Abraham, that his descendants will be glorified and blessed. That is how much God loves His people and how committed and faithful He is to the Covenant which He made with us.

Jesus shows such love of God in today's Gospel. God, in His Son, Jesus Christ, touched the woman who suffered from a terrible haemorrhage and stopped her bleeding, because of the faith that she had in looking out for Him. Her faith was so strong that she believed that even by just touching His cloak, she would be healed. He also raised the dead daughter of the Synagogue official back to life, to show that He is not only God who is capable of ruling over life and death, but more importantly, to show that God is ever loving and merciful. He always shower His people with tender care and love, regardless of the circumstances. He is always ever faithful and demands that we remain faithful in spite of our human weaknesses.

We pray for ourselves, that in the coming week we may serve others in our work and find peace when we rest! Amen!! Good morning and have a productive week!!!

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