Keep over the flock of God

Keep over the flock of God


Acts 20:28-38, Jn 17:11-19. In today's first reading, Paul reminds the elders in Ephesus of the need to be faithful to their ministry: "Keep watch over yourselves and over the whole flock of which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers" (Acts 20:28). Paul enjoins them to be watchful and careful in the management of their flock, especially against those who promote heretical teachings, that they would not mislead the faithful and cause divisions in the Church. He also reminds them of God’s providence and love for His faithful ones, commending them to God’s love and care. While keeping watch over the flock many shepherds forget to keep watch over themselves. In no time, they become empty, discouraged and dispirited. They may be praised at the beginning of their ministry for their dedication, inspiring teaching and preaching, but have less to offer with the passing years. A shepherd who does not pray and meditate on the Scriptures will lose himself and will be unable to lead the flock.

Paul showed his commitment to the cause to which God has called him, not for reward nor monetary compensation but for the glory to come. Paul made this known as he expressed joy when he was about to leave for his final journey, like Christ prayed in today’s Gospel, as He was about to embark on His Passion. The Lord prayed to His Heavenly Father, that even as He was about to leave them, they would not be left without a new joy that God would give them. He was so filled with joy in the ultimate gift He was about to give them, the gift of His boundless love and by whose actions, we are saved from death and eternal destruction. It was God’s everlasting and infinite love for us that makes everything possible.

May the Lord guide our leaders, give them the gifts of wisdom and support all those who are in need! Amen!! Good morning and have a glorious day!!!

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