In God we live, breathe and have our beings

In God we live, breathe and have our beings


Acts 17:15.22-18:1, Jn 16:12-15. God has created us, given us life and invites us to recreate the world. In today's first reading, Paul preached and testified before all the philosophers and the people that gathered at the Areopagus in Athens that God made us and in Him we live, move and have our being. God gave us even greater gift in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, whom He had sent into the world to be our Lord and Saviour. Through the Son of God, who became incarnate in the flesh and became the Son of Man, God reaffirmed this relationship with Him, as we share through Christ the relationship with God, His Heavenly Father, who is also our Father. We have received this gift of truth, wisdom and understanding, just as Paul revealed the truth before the assembled people in the Areopagus.

Addressing a curious Athenian audience, Paul tried to help them appreciate the Divine influence on all human life. He pointed to one of their altars, which was inscribed “To an Unknown God” and declared, “What you are thus worshipping in ignorance I intend to make known to you.” After a polished, well-articulated speech he concluded with an idea that clashed with the perfection of human nature as understood by the Greeks. By that, Paul made them to know that the unknown God does not dwell in statues or sanctuaries, but in human hearts and communities. As Paul put it, “it is he who gives to all life and breath and everything else.” By the Spirit we have within us the life-giving message of Jesus, the pledge of what we are to become by dying and rising with him.

May the Lord send us the Holy Spirit to inspire and direct us in all our endeavours! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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