To the Lord, be honour and glory

To the Lord, be honour and glory


Acts 14:5-18, Jn 14:21-26. In today's Gospel, Jesus assures us that all those who obey His commandments will not be disappointed. All who are in this world and obey His commandments will receive the promise of eternal glory that can be found in God alone. In obedience to the instruction of the Lord, Paul and Barnabas in today's first reading went into the town of Lystra, where they performed miracles which the people misrepresented as the acts of the gods and deities of the Ancient Greco-Roman religion. They took Paul for Hermes and Barnabas for Zeus being the gods they coveted and worshipped that are now present right in their midst. However, the Apostles presented to them the truth, that was not all those false deities or human beings that should be worshipped, but God alone, the 'One and Only True God'. They did not allow themselves to be swayed by pride and desire for power.

Like the Apostles clearly made their stand and resisted the temptation, we must continue to resist the temptation of ascribing any good done to ourselves, it is God alone Who deserves such kind of love and adoration. How have we lived our lives thus far? Have we been obedient to God’s will and commandments, or have we instead acted and done things according to our own selfish desires and wants? If we have been doing the latter, now is the time for us to reflect and begin to make a change, by not putting ourselves and our own interests ahead of the obligations we have to God and the love which we ought to show others.

May the Lord guide our steps along the path that leads to God and fill our hearts with overflowing joy! Amen!! Good morning, have a productive week!!!

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