You are not looking for me because you have seen signs

You are not looking for me because you have seen signs


Acts 6:8-15, Jn 6:22-29. We only see people and things in their true nature if we look with an open mind. The Sanhedrin in today's first reading looked at the face of Stephen and it seemed like that of an angel, yet rejected him as devil incarnate. Stephen, ordained as one of the seven Deacons (Acts 6:1-7), spent his talents to serve the poor in the community. He was an outspoken preacher and for this he was dragged before the court for speaking against some popular Jewish beliefs. The members of the Sanhedrin looked angrily at a saint and condemned him as a sinner. Jesus also tells the crowd in today's Gospel: “You are not looking for me because you have seen signs but because you have eaten your fill of the loaves.”

When Jesus fed the crowd in the desert, they did not ask about the goodness of God who cares for them; nor did they inquire about sharing things with others. They did not really listen to what Jesus said, or wonder what it meant for daily life. They simply wanted food. He fed them with bread and fish, since hunger must be satisfied; but as they continued looking for more to eat, He invites them to think of spiritual food that would satisfy their deeper desires. He came not just to feed people but to give them the nourished food of God’s own presence. He reminds us that, while we need material things because we are material beings, our searching must go deeper. There is more to life than satisfying our physical needs. We have deeper and spiritual hunger that must be met if we are to live life to the full and be at peace within ourselves.

May the Lord fill our hearts with overflowing joy so that we may never be defeated in our struggle with temptation! Amen!! Good morning, have a wonderful and productive week!!!

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