The Holy Saturday, Waiting for the Resurrection

The Holy Saturday, Waiting for the Resurrection


Gen. 1:1-2:2 and Various Old Testament readings, Rom. 6:3-11, Mk 16:1-8. Liturgically speaking, the day time of Holy Saturday is a day of nothingness. The day time is a moment of sorrow, a day for reflection. It is a day between the death of Jesus (Good Friday) and His Resurrection (Easter). In the darkness which begins Sunday (Saturday night after sunset), Christians assemble to keep a vigil for the Lord Jesus. In the various readings from the Old Testament, we reflect on the story of our salvation, from the beginning of the world to the third day after Jesus’ death. We wait in hopeful anticipation that the Lord Jesus will keep His promise and rise. We look forward to new life, not just for Jesus, but also for all believers, especially those who will be welcomed into the Christian community on this vigil above all vigils.

In dispel the darkness at the beginning of the vigil, a fire in enkindled. It is the Light that reminds of the Risen Christ. Thus, the first reading announces God's power in creation and this power is vividly manifested in the creation of light as God's first gift to the world. Without the light of Christ, the world would not be a beautiful place but a place shrouded with sin. Today, we reflect and recommit ourselves to turning away from sin and evil and deepening of our relationship with GOD Who is Abba-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are challenged to renew our baptismal vows with all sincerity so that we can die to sin and rise to new life with the risen Christ. Let us put on again the garment of grace as we put on Christ.

May Christ who went down into the world of the dead to free the just, give grace to all those who are dead in sin, hear the voice of God and live so that we would all rise with Christ! Amen!! Good morning and Happy Holy Saturday!!!

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