John 12:7; "Leave her alone. She bought it so that she might keep it for the day of my burial."

John 12:7; "Leave her alone. She bought it so that she might keep it for the day of my burial."


Most of the people who saw Jesus on that final week of his life were hostile to him. But 3 days before the feast of Passover during which Jesus was crucified, he experienced a very great kindness. Not only is he the guest at the table of a family that he loves, one member of that family, Mary, went a great expense to render him a very thoughtful service. She anointed his feet with very expensive perfume and dried them with her hair. A little later in the same gospel, Jesus will wash the feet of his followers. The anointing is surely an iconic gesture.
Jesus interprets her generous act as preparing him for his death and burial. At the beginning of the last Week of his life, he welcomed this act of kindness from Mary of Bethany. What that woman did for him we are called to do for each other. On our own life journey, we may meet people who make things difficult for us. We will also experience people like Mary who support us on our journey, and, hopefully, we can do for others what Mary did for Jesus, a kind and generous gesture in an often hostile world.
Lord, may I be kind to all I come across this week. Amen.

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