Palm Sunday: A beginning of the week of contradictions* (Isaiah 50:4-7, Phil. 2:6-11, Luke 22:14-23:56)

Palm Sunday: A beginning of the week of contradictions* (Isaiah 50:4-7, Phil. 2:6-11, Luke 22:14-23:56)


The Church celebrates today as both Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday. It is on Palm Sunday that we enter Holy Week, and welcome Jesus into our lives, asking him to allow us a share in his suffering, death and Resurrection. This is also the time we remember and relive the events which brought about our redemption and salvation. That is why the Holy Week liturgy presents us with the actual events of the dying and rising of Jesus. 
The liturgy also enables us to experience vicariously, here and now, what Jesus went through then. In other words, we commemorate and relive during this week our own dying to sin and selfishness and rising in Jesus, healed, reconciled to God and each other, and redeemed by His death and rising for us.
The Palm/Passion Sunday liturgy combines contrasting moments, one of glory, the other of suffering: the welcome of Jesus into Jerusalem and the drama of his unjust trial and suffering, culminating in his crucifixion and death. In the first reading, from prophet Isaiah, we have the 3rd suffering servant which is fulfilled in the suffering of Jesus. St. Paul in the second reading affirms the humility of Jesus, who despite being God accepted the human nature and even accepted a shameful death on a cross.
Both the first and second reading are clearly fulfilled in the passion narrative of today's liturgy where we read of the entrance into Jerusalem, the arrest, the trial, the condemnation, the carrying of the cross, the crucifixion and the death of Jesus. Today's celebration opens to us the summary of all Jesus went through during this week to save us. There are lots of lesson in it for us.
Firstly, Jesus rode on a donkey. A donkey is meant for peace and not war. In cases of wars, they use Horse. Jesus by riding on a donkey show us that he is truly a humble God who has come to bring peace on earth. Do we create peace or war in our community?
Secondly, the people's deception. Today they cry, "Hosanna fillio Davidi" but on Friday the slogan will change to "Crucify him, crucify him". We too at times are deceptive. Every time we sin, we shout crucify him also. Where do we really belong?
Thirdly, the man of the people, Pilate. He knew the truth about it all and desired to set him free but because he wanted to remain the man of the people, he granted them their absolute wish. Who are we? Do we dance to the tune of the people or the tune of God?
Fourthly, the Apostles. They wanted the left and right side of Jesus but when the time came to experience what the cup will be like, they were no where to be found. Peter denied him 3 times. Judas sold him for 30 pieces of silver. Others ran away. Only John was at the foot of the cross. Who are your trusted companions? Are you sure they will stand by you during moments of trials? Only Jesus is the friend that cannot fail.
Lastly, the true disciples. This list include: Joseph of Arimathea; Simon of Cyrene; Veronica; the second thief on the cross; the women at the foot of the cross with Mary. These persons are the group we should emulate. Despite the hatred Jesus was surrounded with, they reached out to him in one way or the other to offer help and support. Why not let's be of help to someone in need or distress.
Lent is not over yet. This is the most important week in our salvation. It is called the holiest of all weeks. Let us try and participate actively at all the celebrations of this week and let us re-live the moments in the life of Jesus.
Lord, help me to appreciate your death by living a life worthy of a true Christian. Amen.
Good morning and do have a wonderful celebration of the Holy Week. God loves you.

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