Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday


Ish 50:4-7, Phil. 2:6-11, Lk. 8:7.14-23.56. Today the Church celebrates triumphant entry of Christ into Jerusalem in order to accomplish His paschal mystery. This Sunday is called Palm or Passion Sunday because it signifies royalty and triumph of Christ. By freely going to Jerusalem, Christ demonstrates His humility and willingness to save us. Today's first reading is taken from one of the "Suffering Servant of Yahweh’s songs." Christ is prefigured in this song as the one who humbly endured His suffering without any resistance. Also, in Paul’s letter to the Philippians, we see humility at its peak. This depicts the self-emptying of Christ: “Though he was in the form of God, Jesus did not count equality with God, a thing to be grasped.”

Today's Gospel presents the Last Supper, where Christ humbled Himself by serving His disciples and eating at the same table with the one who was to betray Him: "And yet behold the hand of the one who is to betray me is with me on table.” In spite of all these, He taught His disciples to humble themselves just as He humbled Himself before Pilate and the chief priests even till death. Without being strong and firm like Jesus Christ we may fall on the roadside. Jesus fell three times on the rocky road to Calvary but never remained on the ground. To fall is heroic, but to remain on the ground is cowardice. So, do not be afraid of falling and do not be afraid of rising for our Lord’s hands are ready to lift us up again if we are ready to continue the journey.

May the Lord help us to overcome every distraction on our journey of faith so that one day, we may meet Him in the Heavenly Jerusalem! Amen!! Good morning and happy Palm Sunday!!!

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