Before Abraham came to be, I AM

Before Abraham came to be, I AM


Gen. 17:3-9, Jn 8:51-59. Today's Gospel presents Jesus as more than the fulfilment of Abraham’s faith and hope. He was one with God who planned before the universe was created: “Before Abraham came to be, I AM.” In this evocative phrase, Jesus identifies Himself with Yahweh. This name for God, is very special and sacred in Israel. It means in Hebrew - “He who is always there.” St John understands that God is always there and was leading Israel’s history towards the day when the eternal Word became incarnate as Jesus, Son of Mary. His hopes and plans will remain at least partially unfulfilled until all nations are united as one faith and family. This is echoed by Paul’s statement: “All of you who have been baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with him. There is no longer among you Jew or Greek, slave or free person, male or female. All are one in Christ Jesus. Furthermore, if you belong to Christ, you are the descendants of Abraham, which means you inherit all that was promised” (Gal 3:27-29).

The promises to Abraham only come into being by sharing a respectful faith in one God, the Father of all and a willingness to fairly share this earth’s riches and recognise the dignity of all human beings. The promises to Abraham advise us to think big, seek and dream the divine ideal of one world and one people. We are created for a purpose, for an ultimate goal which is only accomplished beyond our earthly lives, when we reunite with our God. Abraham got this understanding in today's first reading and lived by it and so becomes father of all nations. Each of us is therefore called upon to organize and live our lifestyle in a manner that acknowledges and believes that the present life continues hereafter.

May the Lord make His home in our hearts and His love burn brightly within us! Amen!! Good morning, It is well with you!!!

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