The living God and Son are waiting to be loved and received

The living God and Son are waiting to be loved and received


Ex. 32:7-14, Jn 5:31-47. There is a saying that: “When the wise man points to the moon, the idiot sees only the finger.” The sacred Scriptures are fingers pointing to Christ. Once a person discovers Christ, then Christ must become the focus of attraction and worship. Thus, in today's Gospel Jesus defends His Messianic personality when the Jews demanded proofs, quoting Deuteronomy 19:15 which requires two or three witnesses to substantiate a claim. Jesus presents four witnesses: John the Baptist, the miracles of Jesus, God the Father and the Scriptures. John the Baptist, whom many Jews considered a prophet, bore witness to Jesus as the “Lamb of God” and the Holy One whose paths he had come to prepare. The miracles Jesus worked could only have been done by the power of God. God attested to the Divinity of Jesus at His Baptism (Jn 1:31-34); at the Transfiguration (Mt. 17:1-8) and later, in the presence of the whole crowd (Jn 12:28-30). The books of the Old Testament, namely the Law and the Prophets, bear testimony to the Divinity and Messianic personality of Jesus. 

Jesus identifies three obstacles which could prevent us from recognizing Him as the Messiah: lack of love of God, striving after human glory and prejudiced interpretation of Sacred texts. The Israelites made a similar mistake when they forgot the living God and focused on lesser gods who were merely deceptive expressions of human longing for God. People fail to find God before them, because they look somewhere else. The living God and His living Son are waiting to be loved and received. Let us recognize their presence and harken to them. 

May the Lord lead us more deeply into the life of Christ and guide us in the path of justice and truth! Amen!! Good morning and have a fruitful day!!!

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