Matt. 5:20; "I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Matt. 5:20; "I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."


In today's Gospel passage, Jesus speaks to us about anger. He makes us aware of the increasing dangers of anger by referring to increasingly disastrous results in the angry person's soul. Jesus talks about the various levels of anger that makes us say abusive statements towards our neighbour. He advocates for reconciliation before offering one's gifts on the altar. Ezekiel in the first reading reminds us that it is our last action that will determine our judgement. As such, we must persevere doing good.
Anger as an emotion is not evil. Feelings are neither right nor wrong, they're merely a temporary reflection of what's going on inside of us at the moment. It's usually rooted in the emptiness of not feeling loved. Filling that void with anger deceptively feels good, and it becomes a sin when it festers in us long enough to damage others. We receive healing when we choose to fill the void with love. By choosing to give love instead of anger, we let God's love penetrate us, and once God's love fills our emptiness, there's no room left for anger.
Lord, fill our heart with love of you that we may always forgive those who wrong us. Amen.
Good morning and do have a nice day ahead. God loves you.

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