Your Ancient ruins shall be Rebuilt

Your Ancient ruins shall be Rebuilt


Isaiah 58:9-14, Lk. 5:27-32. As children we were warned against bad company: “Show me your friends and I will show you whom you are”. The scribes and Pharisees were shocked by the company Jesus kept. Why do you eat with tax collectors and sinners? Clearly, by eating with tax collectors and sinners He risked being contaminated by them. Today's first reading foreshadows the spirit in which Jesus welcomes people. It is one of the prophet’s most stirring promises, in God’s own name: “When you call, the Lord will answer”. The promise is that God will always be near, to guide our actions and helping us accept what we cannot presently change: "He will make your bones strong; you shall be like a watered garden, like a flowing spring, whose waters never fail. Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt".

This is the kind of faith that can energise any good effort we may be making for Lent. Rather than being infected by the sins of others, He knew that by mixing with them, God’s goodness could and would transform them. The Lord is not diminished by our failings, but we are ennobled by His Holiness. That is why He stays close to us, even when we might be tempted to stay away from Him, because of what we have done or failed to do. The Lord is always ready to share His table with us, to relate with us, so that in our weakness we can draw from His strength and come to share His goodness and love.

May the Lord help us to work with other people to build the earthly city and never let us lose sight of the Heavenly Kingdom! Good morning and happy weekend!!!

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