Lord, that I may See

Lord, that I may See


Gen. 8:6-13.20-22, Mk 8:22-26. Imagining life on the ark should give us a different perspective about today’s first reading. It focuses on that dread word “waiting". Noah waited a couple of times, “he waited still another seven days and then released the dove once more; and this time it did not come back". If there is any virtue that is most needed in our contemporary time, it is the virtue of "Patience". God had a plan for Noah and Noah willing waited patiently for it to unfold. When we have problems, we need to turn things over to God and wait for His plan to be revealed. A very renowned psychologist once wrote that “no one wants to suffer’ but it can break us open and make us wiser and more compassionate. Tough as it can be, we just have to trust God’s infinite wisdom, love and mercy. Like Noah, we have to learn to live through our trials at God’s pace, not ours. Patience! Today's Gospel suggests that we come to enlightenment in gradual stages.

The story about the cure of a blind man has special interest as the cure took place in stages. The stages of the miracle are interesting: at first, the man’s vision was so blurred that people looked like 'walking trees' then, after his cure, he could see everything clearly. These could also represent the stages of our growth in faith. We cannot grow in faith on our own, but must let Jesus walk with us. We should also take the hand of our neighbour in need and to our surprise the hand that we clasp leads us to our salvation.

May the Lord lead us into the way of peace as we wait on the Lord! Amen!! Good morning and have a great day!!!

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