Creation is the sanctuary of God's majestic presence

Creation is the sanctuary of God's majestic presence


Gen. 1:1-19, Mk 6:53-56. The first reading describes the story of creation as the sanctuary of God’s majestic presence: the origins of night and day, dry land, vegetation and the starry firmament, all of which God made and declared good. Today's Gospel presents the world that was made good by God, turned to a place with suffering, poverty and sickness. Thus, Jesus went through town and villages to bring order into creation and His healing touch at work, bringing hope and consolation to those who were sick. He calls us to imitate Him. He is with us as instruments of God to cleanse and revive our good world.

Our efforts of kindness and love extend the range of healing touch of God, our words of forgiveness and encouragement echo the word of God. Today, we are challenged to go out as instruments of blessing and carry on God’s creative work in our real world. In the presence of Jesus darkness recedes, health and wholeness prevail, dry land emerges from the flood and original goodness of creation is restored. 

May the love of the Lord be with us during this week and guide us in our work! Amen!! Good morning and have a fruitful week!!!

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