God calls and sanctifies us for His Mission

God calls and sanctifies us for His Mission


Ish 6:1-8, I Cor. 15:1-11, Lk 5:1-11. On this Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, the Church invites us to leave everything that hinders us from heeding to the call of God. The central theme in today's readings is the sense of unworthiness that surrounds all that were called. Isaiah receives some kind of vision about the holiness of God and becomes terrified because he sees his own unworthiness so much more clearly. In today's second reading, Paul also admitted: “I am the least of the apostles and unfit to be called an apostle..." (1 Cor.15:9). In the Gospel, Peter pleaded: “Leave me, Lord; I am a sinful man” (Lk. 5:8). They all acknowledged their unworthiness to be the instrument of God. Their humility was a sign that they needed God’s grace in order to succeed. Of course, God knew this, because He is the one that calls and sanctifies us for His mission.

It is only the grace of God that sustains those whom He calls, what is necessary on our part is the positive response and readiness to change. We may sometimes feel like Isaiah, Paul or Peter; we feel so unworthy of our call that we can hardly do anything. However, we should realise that, it is God who calls, sanctifies and makes us worthy instruments. Hence, no more excuse to help the poor, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, welcome the homeless, visit the sick and even bury the dead. Enough of the excuses that make us not to do the right thing, for not attending Mass or praying, for not going to confession and for not visiting the Blessed Sacrament.

May the Lord open our lips to praise God, our lives proclaim His goodness, our works honour Him and our voices celebrate Him! Amen!! Good morning and Happy Sunday!!!

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