The Memorial of St Francis de Sales

The Memorial of St Francis de Sales


Heb. 7:25-8:6, Mk 3:7-12. The suspicion of the Pharisees in today's Gospel is fanned into hatred when they noticed the popularity of Jesus among the crowd. As people of faith, we often feel caught up in tensions, like those faced by Jesus. Like the crowd in today's Gospel, we are called to reach out to Jesus and recognise Him as the source of our healing and life. The Lord is as available to us as He was to the crowd of Galilee; He remains our strength in weakness, healing in brokenness and life in various experiences of death.

The enthusiasm of the crowd to see Jesus is not a passing excitement. It is an echo of Heaven, where people from all nations unite in turning with love, loyalty and gratitude to Jesus. The life of St Francis de Sales (1567 - 1622) was a gratitude to God. He was born near Annecy, in Savoy, studied law and was ordained a priest despite the opposition of his father. His first mission was to re-evangelize the people of his home district (the Chablais), who had gone over to Calvinism. Appointed Bishop of Geneva and spent the rest of his life reforming and reorganising the diocese and in caring for the souls of his people by preaching and giving spiritual guidance. St Francis is the patron saint of writers and journalists, who would do well to imitate his love and his moderation, as he said: “whoever wants to preach effectively must preach with love".

May the Lord grant us strength in our weakness and help us to walk in newness of life! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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