GOD IS INTERESTED IN OUR SITUATION* (Is 62: 1-5; I Cor 12: 4-11, John 2: 1-11 (L-16)

GOD IS INTERESTED IN OUR SITUATION* (Is 62: 1-5; I Cor 12: 4-11, John 2: 1-11 (L-16)


We are still in the first month of the year. The same month where we made different resolutions for the year to avoid some errors of last year. It's still a month of new beginnings. For some they have abandoned their promises, while others are still battling on with it in order to keep it. Today's readings remind us that God is interested in our situation. He doesn't turn a blind eye to our distress or sadness. He is a God that has come to give us life in abundance (John 10:10). 

The first reading from the book of Isaiah presents us with the dilemma of building Jerusalem again. The Israelites had just returned from exile and they are confronted with the rebuilding of their country again. The prophet Isaiah used this opportunity to preach to them about how the lord will not keep silent about their situation. The prophet reminds his people that their God rejoices in them as a Bridegroom rejoices in His Bride and that He will rebuild Israel, if they will be reconciled to Him and repair their strained relationship with Him.

 In today’s second reading, St. Paul reminds us that the new wine that Jesus pours out for us is the gift of the Holy Spirit, given to his bride. Jesus’ first sign at Cana and Paul’s advice to the Corinthians challenge us to become more sensitive to the many signs of God’s power and glory around us, to open our eyes and hearts to perceive them as coming from God and to give glory to God for them.

The Gospel reading which is the primary focus of our reflection talks about Jesus's intervention at the wedding feast at Cana. One cannot attend a Nigerian party without being offered good and drink. It is a necessity to eat and drink at such gatherings. The couple at Cana was about to experience shame and sadness because their wine for the party had finished. But Jesus through the intercession of Mary intervened and their was a solution.

The symbolism of wine is a very unique one. Wine is a symbol of celebration, happiness and mirth. They ran out of wine: they had no joy. There was gloom! Shame was looming and if not controlled in time, people will start leaving the scene. The mother of Jesus discerns this situation. “They have no wine” (Jn 2:3), she informs the New Adam. The mother of Jesus is presented here as the New Eve. The first Eve found herself in a situation of abundance in the garden, but she initiated a breakdown of that paradise. The New Woman (Jn 2:4) seems to reverse this situation.

How did Jesus intervened in the situation? Back in Cana, “There were six stone water jars standing there, meant for the ablutions that are customary among the Jews: each could hold twenty or thirty gallons” (Jn 2:6). The stone jars had tremendous capacity, but they stood empty. The old religion carried a great promise, but it stood empty.  The number of stone water jars was six – one short of seven. Six is a symbol of chaos, imperfection and evil (Rev 13:18). Such was the situation at the wedding feast in Cana. These jars were filled with water and by the time it reached the mouth of the MC, it had turned to wine. There is wine again, joy was back to the wedding, thus, the wedding can continue.

Dear friends, this passage is a clear example to us of how God is always interested in our situation. He surely does not want us to be in a position of shame or sadness, he wants to liberate us and free us. For him to do this, we need to invite in to our lives and situation. We need to submit ourselves totally to him and then allow him do the transformation. Also, we need to allow Mary intercede for us. The Gospel passage is one of the many passages that tells us about Mary's intercession for us. She is a mother who cares for her children and will always present our needs before her son. Let us learn to do whatever Jesus tells us. Obedience is key and important in followership. Without obedience, true discipleship will not be possible. 

Therefore, no matter what you passing through or the new thing you about to start, be sure that God is interested in that situation and he is surely not going to leave you forsaken or abandoned.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us always and may our needs and supplications by granted through Christ our lord. Amen.

Good morning and do have a restful and peaceful Sunday in God's presence.

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