To be a true and good leader, one must be ready to identify with his or her people. It makes no sense for a leader to be far away from his or her followers. A leader must be ready to feel the pain of the people and know their needs and problems, so as to attend to it well. Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. are few examples of people who did this well and till tomorrow, their work still goes before them. 
Today, we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. It is a special feast because it marks the end of the Christmas season and it is also the beginning of the Ordinary time season in the Catholic Church. The purpose of this celebration is to remind us that by our baptism, we too have become God's children. The baptism of Jesus at the river Jordan makes us ponder on so many questions as to the meaning of that event. 
Historically, Baptism was not introduced by John the Baptist or Jesus. It had been practiced for centuries among the Jews as a ritual equivalent to our confession. Until the fall of the Temple in 70 AD, it was common for Jewish people to use a special pool called a _Mikveh_ -- literally a "collection of water" – as a means of spiritual cleansing, to remove spiritual impurity and sin. Thus, when John the Baptist invited the people to come and wash their sins away, it wasn't difficult for them to embrace the teaching as they saw it as a pathway to spiritual cleansing.
What about the Baptism of Jesus? Jesus is God and sinless, why was he baptised then? The primary purpose of the Baptism of Jesus was to identify himself with his people (cf. Heb. 4:15). Secondly, it is a foreshadowing of the "baptism" of his bloody death upon the cross (cf. Matt. 20:22). Thirdly, Jesus' baptism was the acceptance and the beginning of his mission as the suffering servant because he allowed himself to be numbered among sinners (Isaiah 53:12). Lastly, the Baptism of Jesus made clean the waters of baptism.
At the Baptism of Jesus, we saw the first public appearance of the Blessed Trinity. Today's gospel tells us that after the Baptism of Jesus, the Spirit descended upon him in bodily form, as a dove and a voice came down from heaven saying, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, listen to him". This was the turning point as it clearly marked out the true identity and mission of Jesus. The baptism of Jesus in the hands of John was a very important moment in the life of Jesus in the following ways: *(1)* It was a moment of decision. It marked the end of the private life of Jesus and the beginning of his public ministry. *(2)* It was a moment of identification with his people. *(3)* It was a moment of approval. The words that came down from heaven gave that approval. *(4)* It was a moment of conviction. A conviction of his true identity and mission. *(5)* It was a moment of equipment. The Spirit descending upon him like a dove signified the powers of healing and preaching he received. These are important moments in the Baptism of Jesus.
*Baptism of Jesus and our Christian identity: Lessons to learn from today's celebration.*
Firstly, the Sacrament of baptism we receive cleanse us of original sin (sin of Adam and Eve), makes us Christian, children of God and members of the Church. Baptism opens to us the doors of Christianity. It is our birth into the Christian life. It is a pre-requisite to salvation (John 3:3). Baptism opens the door to other Sacrament in the Church. 
Secondly, the Baptism of Jesus reminds us of our Christian identity as adopted Sons and Daughters of God (Rom. 8:17). Our identity must be seen not just in words but also in actions. By our baptism, we have become Priests, Prophets and Kings. Thus, we must fulfill these roles of ours.
Thirdly, today's feast reminds us to always grow in intimacy with God by accepting whatever comes our way either good or bad. Our identity and mission on earth is not just to enjoy the good things of life but to carry our cross daily and follow Jesus.
Lord, renew in us daily the grace of baptism and may we remain faithful to the promises we have made to you. Amen.
Good morning and do have a beautiful Sunday. God loves you.

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