Thursday after Epiphany

Thursday after Epiphany


1 Jn 4:19-5:4, Lk. 4:14-22. Today's first reading speaks of the love of God that must reflect in the life we live. Everyone who wants to love God, must first love another just as He has loved us. He has shown us His perfect love, by generously giving His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has become our Saviour. He has given us His commandments and laws, which are revealed in its perfection when Jesus came into this world, bearing the truth which we have longed to see. He revealed how great the love of God is for us and this love is founded on the love which He has for us, from the beginning, love that is not selfish and filled with ego, but instead love that is pure, selfless and genuine.

In the Gospel, we heard the Lord Himself proclaiming the fulfilment of the prophecies which God has given His people through His Prophet Isaiah. Prophet Isaiah writes that the Lord would anoint His Messiah to bring salvation and joy into this world: the healing of the sick, the opening of the eyes of the blind and how those who were paralysed would be able to walk again and prisoners set free. He did these because of the love He has for His Father in Heaven, obeying Him and doing His will. This love is made perfect, by total surrender and obedience to the will of the Father, at the Passion when He willingly suffered for us, because of His love, that by His suffering and bearing our sins, we may receive liberation from those sins, and find our way to eternal life.

May the Lord open to us the treasure of His love! Amen!! Good morning and have a glorious day!!!

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