The Most Holy Name of Jesus

The Most Holy Name of Jesus


1 Jn 2:29-3:6, Jn 1:29-34. Though it is an optional memorial, the Church celebrates the Most Holy Name of Jesus today to reveals the wonders of the Incarnate Word. The name of Jesus means Saviour; it was shown to Joseph in a dream and to Our Lady at the annunciation by the Archangel Gabriel. The name of Jesus is a name of gladness, a name of hope and a name of love. In the Old Testament, the Name of God inspired fear and awe because the honour of pronouncing the name was not granted to the children of Israel. Anyone who truly wants to acquire this honour has to exalt the name of Jesus and live an authentic life as Jesus Himself lived.

John confirms this in today's first reading when he presents true faith in Jesus as the one that must go together with godly life; for faith makes us the 'Chosen One of God'. To live otherwise is to become the children of the devil. The identity of Jesus as "The Chosen One of God" must be found in us as we remain steadfast in the Lord. The name Jesus is presented to us in today's Gospel as the 'Lamb of God' and 'Chosen One of God'. As the 'Chosen One of God', let us invoke the name Jesus to restrain us from the impulse of anger, calm the swelling of pride, heal the wounds of envy, repress the insatiability of luxury, smoothen the flame of lust, quench the thirst of avarice and dispel the fever of uncleanness.

May the Lord help to combat the evil of the world as we call upon His Holy Name! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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