The Prince of Peace is here to visit us

The Prince of Peace is here to visit us


Micah 5:1-4, Heb. 10:5-10, Lk. 1:39-44. Last week we celebrated “Gaudete” Sunday when the Church encouraged us to rejoice because our Lord is near. On this fourth and last Sunday of Advent, the first reading and the Gospel have one thing in common: that from the lowly clan of Judah; and from Mary the lowly handmaid, God has prepared a body for Christ, the prince of Peace. According to the second reading, Christ assures His Father: “Here I am! I am coming to do your will”. He comes soon in order to fill our hearts with His Spirit of peace and joy. As we gradually approach the fulfillment of God’s promise to us, today's Gospel presents us with the visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth. In spite of her pregnancy, Mary still found time to visit her cousin in order to share her joy. Through this, she displayed her hospitality, generosity, humility and her love. This is why she is blessed. It was not only Mary that visited Elizabeth also, the Divine Child and Prince of peace did.

Hence, this visit was divine. Also, it is important to note that what happened between the child in Mary’s womb and the child in Elizabeth’s womb was a divine encounter. This is exactly what the psalmist described as: “When love and faithfulness meet, when justice and truth meet; righteousness and peace embrace each other”. The visit of Mary to Elizabeth was not a mere coincidence. It was a well thought plan of God, which was executed at the appropriate time. This season, God has planned to honour each of us personally with a divine visit. He knows the way to where we live. He knows the number of our house and He knows exactly the number of our rooms. He comes quickly to visit us personally in order to transform and make our lives better.

Lord hear us as we humbly pray to you: give us eternal joy with your saints! Amen!! Good morning and happy Sunday!!!

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