The Memorial of St John of the Cross

The Memorial of St John of the Cross


Ish 48:17-19, Mt. 11:16-19. All our successes, achievement and human happiness that makes up our earthly treasure is chaff driven away by the wind if we seek them without Christ. That is why we need to add to our personal prayers: "Stay with us, Lord Jesus Christ, comes to bring the fire of your love, which fills our pointless lives and makes sense of them". All that is demanded of us is to be committed to Him and never make excuse because of obstinacy. In today's Gospel, Jesus compared the teachers and scholars of His time to aimless playmates who refused to follow instruction.

As in the time of Jesus, the contemporary time is characterised by indifference and contempt. Our generation is marked by faith without praxis, religiosity without spirituality and doctrine without commitment. Today, we are challenged to learn from the spirituality of St John of the Cross (1542 - 1591) who welded his faith with work. He was born in Fontiveros, in Spain around 1542. He spent some time as a Carmelite friar before he was persuaded by St Teresa of Ávila to pioneer the reform of the Carmelite order in 1568. His works include two major mystical poems. He is considered one of the greatest poets of the Spanish language. He was canonized in 1726 and declared a Doctor of the Church in 1926.

May the Lord God keep us faithful, so that we may hasten to meet our Saviour with lamps alight! Amen!! Good morning and Have a pleasant day!!!

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