Matt. 18:14; "So it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost."

Matt. 18:14; "So it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost."


At first sight, the decision of the shepherd in this gospel story seems impractical or even foolish. He leaves ninety nine sheep on the hillside and goes off searching for one sheep that had rambled off and into danger. Why would he leave the rest of the flock undefended, to go out looking for the lost one? Why should he risk the ninety nine for the sake of one that went astray. 

This imagery of the shepherd is a perfect way to describe God who never leaves his sheep untended. God in Jesus is concerned about the lost one. The Lord values each one of us; he calls each one of us by name; none of us is worthless in his sight. He cares equally for each one of us. No matter what you may be going through, God cares for you and he will locate you. The story invites us to value each other as much as the Lord values each of us.
Lord, may we experience your care daily in our lives. Search us out when we go far from you due to sin. Amen.
Good morning and do have a wonderful day. God loves you.

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