Matt. 8:10; "Truly I tell you, in no one in Israel have I found such faith."

Matt. 8:10; "Truly I tell you, in no one in Israel have I found such faith."


True faith means we trust that God is embracing us and holding us securely, even when conflicts and trials shake us up; this trust gives us peace. True faith means we believe that God will turn every hardship into a benefit; this belief gives us joy. True faith means we allow Jesus to be our Lord, our Teacher, our Guide; thus through his Word and his Holy Spirit we receive the best possible guidance.
Lord, in dark moments of life, grant me a lively faith to always trust in you that you are there to save me. Bless this new week for us and grant us your protection always. Amen.
Good morning and do have a wonderful week ahead. God loves you.

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