Celebrating St Cecilia

Celebrating St Cecilia


Rev. 5:1-10, Lk. 19:41-44. Insistence in what is right is persistence but insistence in what is evil is obstinacy. In today's Gospel, Jesus wept over Jerusalem because of the impending doom on the city. Jesus had repeatedly exhorted the inhabitants of Jerusalem to be converted and to turn away from their sinful ways but they ignored Him. Foreseeing the consequence of their obstinacy, Jesus wept over it.

The Temple Jerusalem is a symbol of the presence of God while their obstinacy is a sign of the soul that, in spite of all warnings from God, continues in its evil ways and meets with same fate as that of Jerusalem. Jerusalem failed God and that brought about its destruction. When we are stubborn and proud, we reject Jesus in our lives. Today, we are challenged to accept Jesus wholeheartedly and never ignore the warnings that come from God. Jesus cried over Jerusalem, will He also need to cry over us? Let us learn from St Cecilia who accepted Jesus with her whole being and suffered martyrdom for the love of Christ.

May the Lord show us His mercy and may each new day increase our trust in God! Amen!! Good morning and have a glorious day!!!

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