Celebrating St Elizabeth of Hungary

Celebrating St Elizabeth of Hungary


Jn 1:5-8, Lk. 18:1-8. Jesus taught us the need for prayers in many different ways because God is always pleased to receive our petitions. To tell us the need for persistent prayer, Jesus in today's Gospel presents the parable of the widow whose persistence eventually prevails on the wicked judge. In His closing words on this parable, Jesus presents God the Father's reaction as being exactly opposite of that of the judge. If the wicked judge could be made to react with justice, how much more readily will a just and merciful God respond to our pleas?

In contrast to the obstinacy of the judge, God is always attentive to our needs and solicitous for us. The basic meaning of this parable is in the difference between God's mercy and human selfishness. The judge attempts to put the widow off by making some weak excuses but God responds to our petitions in an entirely different way. St Elizabeth of Hungary (1207 - 1231) whose memorial we celebrate lived her entire life on prayer. She was the daughter of the King of Hungary. She was given in marriage to Ludwig, the Landgrave of Thuringia, by whom she had three children. She frequently meditated on heavenly things and when her husband died she embraced poverty and built a hospice in which she cared for the sick.

May the Lord hear our prayers and may none of our petitions be made in vain! Amen!! Good morning and Happy weekend!!!

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