Celebrating St Leo

Celebrating St Leo


Phil. 4:10-19, Lk. 16:9-15. The desire to look for instant gratification and success has led many to insincerity. Today's first reading gives us the ultimate secret to success and true happiness - appreciation and sincerity. Paul thanks the Philippians for their support and concern which is like a fragrant offering to the Lord. He assures them that their generous gift will be richly repaid in Heaven. Paul touchingly expresses how he has learned to manage in all circumstances during his missionary journey. For Christ was his strength.

In Jesus, who strengthens us, we have everything. All that is required of us is to be sincere in our faith and choose Jesus over the riches of this world as today's Gospel enjoins us. God demands for our undivided attention and services. Our commitment to follow Christ ought to encompass all our actions. We should not live a double life with one part of it allocated to God and the other part to our separate concerns. Everything in our life: our studies, professional work and daily activities should be oriented to God. St Leo whose memorial we celebrate, constantly strove to keep the faith whole and strenuously defended the unity of the Church. Leo the Great was born in Etruria and became Pope in 440. He was a true shepherd and father of souls.

May the Lord give us courage when we are weak, strengthen us with faith and protect us with His love! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful weekend!!!

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