Practical Christianity can change our world

Practical Christianity can change our world


Deut. 6:2-6, Heb. 7:23-28, Mk 12-28-34. On this Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, the Church challenges us to a life of practical Christianity. In today’s Gospel, we see Jesus in dialogue with a lawyer who wants to do his best and he asks which Commandment is first of all. Jesus cites two Biblical passages (Deut. 6:4-5, Lev. 19:18) to explain the Commandment of love. One points on relationship with God and the other on our relationship with one another. For Jesus, these two dimensions constitute what it means to be an authentic Christian. The first is the famous 'Shema' (Deut. 6:4-5) as recorded in the first reading which invites Israel to a joyful union with the love of God.

However, some of us overstress the love of God. We shut others out of our lives, live for God alone and spend our day praying and meditating. The second citation is from the Book of Leviticus which invites us to love our neighbour as ourselves (19:18). Just like the Commandment to love God, there are also some of us who do just the opposite. We could be totally involved in helping people: the sick, rascals, poor, drug addict and people with problems. We could work all day and half the night. So busy that we have no time to pray and we say: “My work is my prayer". Some of us are calm in conscience, convincing ourselves that we believe in God, but then, our actions have nothing to do with that belief. On Sunday, we profess our faith to God, by the next day-Monday, cheating starts and we take advantage of others. Therefore, we are called to love our neighbours just as Christ loves us for there can be no true love of God unless it expresses itself in love of neighbours.

May the Lord pour out His Spirit on us and give us the strength to create a new life and a new world! Amen!! Good morning and Happy Sunday!!!

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