The Humble beginning of the Reign of God

The Humble beginning of the Reign of God


Eph. 5:21-33, Lk. 13:18-21. The Kingdom of God is a reality that has to be begin, sprout and grow in us. Jesus affirms this fact in the two parables about the Kingdom of God in today's Gospel. Just as we are born as a citizen of a particular nation, through baptism we have our rebirth into the Kingdom of God thus, we become a bonafide citizen. But for this Kingdom to be born in us, we need to live a life of faith and possess Christ-like values. In the 'Parable of the Mustard Seed', Jesus speaks about the humble beginning and great end of the Kingdom of God. While in the 'Parable of the Yeast', Jesus vividly portrays the fact that the humble beginning needs to be nurtured by supplying the necessary values from time to time.

Like the mustard seed, the Kingdom of God is sown in us, in an invisible way but brings out tangible effects and visible results. Just as the small mustard seed becomes the biggest of all shrubs that harbour birds of all kinds, we are challenged to allow the gift of faith to grow in us and attract others to God. We need to contribute to the growth of the Kingdom of God by promoting love, justice and peace for the transformation of the world. If we allow God to reign in our lives, sins and lawlessness will have no place in us.

May the reign of God restore peace and love in our world! Amen!! Good morning, it is well with you!!!

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