God is far more interested in our good health than in scrupulous adherence to ritual

God is far more interested in our good health than in scrupulous adherence to ritual


Today's first reading presents us with Paul's address to the Corinthians on the moral problems plaguing the entire community and reminds them that their behaviour must be consistent with their belief. Thus, he instructed them to live a life that is morally acceptable. Using a metaphor from the Jewish Passover liturgy, he tells them that a little sin in the whole community, could affect them just as a little yeast infiltrates the whole batch of dough. Just as the Jews celebrate the Passover by getting rid of all old bread and the previous day's yeast and only eat the new unleavened bread, so must we get rid of the 'yeast of past sin' and become 'new bread'.

Jesus in today's Gospel also invites us to such newness of life that leads to a reversal of values. This newness should affect every aspect of our life and religion such that we would no longer become legalistic but see things in the context of human need. The pharisaical interpretation of the Law allowed healing on Sabbath only where there was danger of death. Such was not the case with the man, who had come to the Synagogue with his hope placed in Jesus. Jesus healed him to show us that God is far more interested in our good health than in scrupulous adherence to rituals, customs and ordinances.

May the Lord be with us as we take up our daily tasks and help us to get rid of the yeast of past sin! Amen!! Good morning, have a fruitful week!!!

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