Isaiah 6:3; "Heaven and earth are full of God's glory."

Isaiah 6:3; "Heaven and earth are full of God's glory."


Look all around you, they are all but products of God's glory. Why won't it be easy to pay taxes by picking a coin from a fish. How easy would it have been if money can be plucked from trees? (I will be among the richest because I have lots of them in my parish compound). 
However, the gospel is assuring us that in as much as we perform our duties as Christians, we must remain confident that our God will supply all our needs according to his riches in glory (Phil. 4:19). We don't need to be worried or become anxious over anything. God has a way of providing for his children. He has a way of saving them from disgrace and shame. 
Lord, as we take up our daily task of this week, come to our aid and help us in our weakness, may we never be put to shame because of our trust in you. Provide us with what we need and protect us in all we do and say. Amen. 
Good morning and do have a wonderful week ahead. God loves you.

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