DAILY SPIRITUAL BOUQUET: Jer. 13:1-11, Mt. 13:31-35.

DAILY SPIRITUAL BOUQUET: Jer. 13:1-11, Mt. 13:31-35.


DAILY SPIRITUAL BOUQUET: Jer. 13:1-11, Mt. 13:31-35. Today's first reading explains the wish of God for His people: "For just as a loincloth clings to a man’s waist, so I had intended the whole House of Judah to cling to me". But because of their hardness of heart, Israel pulled away from God and as such became useless. In our contemporary time, we find out that people constantly pull away from God, the source of their being. Only if we know that is in God that we move, live and have our being, then our life can become meaningful and have it bearing. 
As we begin this week, let us cling to God and gradually we shall surmount all difficulties. Like the tiny mustard seed in today's Gospel, we shall become something great for God if our decisions are inspired by the Gospel value. The Kingdom of God itself started with a humble beginning, that is, to tell us that no matter how poor and insignificant our beginning is, it shall become something great if we allow God to take full control of our being. Like the mustard seed, let us allow the word of God to take root in us so that it can become the biggest of all shrubs. 
May the Lord be the beginning and end of everything we do and say, prompt our actions with His grace and complete them with His all-powerful help! Amen!! Do have a successful and productive week!!!

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