DAILY SPIRITUAL DOSE: Jer. 3:14-17, Mt. 13:18-23.

DAILY SPIRITUAL DOSE: Jer. 3:14-17, Mt. 13:18-23.


Excessive preoccupation with things of this world and/or things we have made gods can distract us from what is truly important and worthwhile. Israel was so obsessed with their kings who lived on falsehood and gradually led them to exile. In today's first reading, the Lord God called them back so that He could be there for them: "Come back, disloyal children, for I alone am your Master...I will give you shepherds after my own heart and these shall feed you on knowledge and discretion". 
We must therefore be focused, open to God and be obedient to His Word. In today's Gospel, Jesus tells us that the seed grows where there is openness to the Word (faith), trust in its power (hope) and readiness to go out of oneself (love). We must understand that the Word of God is a 'viable seed' ready to take root in a receptive heart which is docile and ready to hear what God has to say.
May the Lord listen favourably to our prayers and may His word bear fruit in us! Amen!! Good morning and have a fruitful day!!!

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