Matt. 12:7; "But if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless."

Matt. 12:7; "But if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless."


What is Mercy? How do we know if we have been merciful enough? Mercy is easier preached and explained than practised. When it comes to practising mercy and been merciful, many of us will be found wanting in this regard. The issue being addressed by Jesus in the gospel is a situation whereby the policy becomes more important than the person. The Pharisees were only interested in protecting the law, 'keep the Sabbath day day holy' and they don't care whether someone is hungry or not. 
We become like the Pharisees when we focus on what people "ought" to do while neglecting their needs. Laws are necessary and important but in a situation where the law now becomes important than the needs of the person, then it becomes problematic. Even the official Code of Canon Law encourages mercy. Dispensation from the laws is to be granted when the law works against a person's salvation. Love is the foundation of every divinely inspired rule, and mercy is the tool for bringing people into a genuine desire to obey the rules.
Lord, grant us the grace to truly be merciful. Amen
Good morning and do have a wonderful day ahead. God loves you.

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