“It is your face O Lord that I seek.”

“It is your face O Lord that I seek.”


Friday, June 15, 2018: 10th Week in Ordinary Time
1 Kings 19:9, 11-16; Matt 5:27-32
My Morning Minute With Jesus
“It is your face O Lord that I seek.”
In his afflictions, Elijah journeyed up to the mountain, a characteristic biblical locus of divine revelation, to seek God. God did, indeed, meet him, but not in the ways that one ordinarily expects. Since God is supreme, one would expect that his coming would be heralded by mighty and wondrous manifestations. Instead, God came to Elijah in a soft whispering wind, not in the fire, earthquakes, stormy wind, etc. In that encounter, God reassured Elijah that his experience of evil was not the result of divine absence or inattention.  God revealed a course of action for the future that shows that He is actively involved in shaping our destiny. Like Elijah, God seeks our attention. Do not look too far or too high. God will manifest Himself in events, people, and places that you least expect. In many Christian circles today, people think that God is to be found in the meaningless noise, vibrant, rancorous and fiery prayer sessions that are considered powerful tools for drawing God’s attention. We must, however, wait patiently and seek that gentle soft breeze of God’s Spirit amidst our very noisy world.
Lord, in you we live, and move, and have Our being. Amen

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