Monday, May 14, 2018; Seventh Week of Easter St. Matthias, Apostle Acts 1:15-17,20-26; Psalm 112(113):1-8; John 15:9-17

Monday, May 14, 2018; Seventh Week of Easter St. Matthias, Apostle Acts 1:15-17,20-26; Psalm 112(113):1-8; John 15:9-17


“I call you friends…”
On the feast of St. Matthias, we reflect on the process for the election of Matthias as replacement for Judas, and therefore, an apostle. In addition meeting the requirements for selection, the church committed the final outcome to God, through faith and prayer. This latter aspect is actually the most important. No matter how much we do, if God has no hand in it, it amounts to nothing (Psalm 127:1). This move of the early church is instructive for every decision we make and all our important engagements. Even where it all lies within our power, it is always good to commit to and ask for God’s blessing. Where we do not have the solutions to the problem on hand, we must do our best and commit the rest to God. We must not throw our hands in the air helplessly and just give up. Persistence is an important Christian virtue; we need it in our faith and prayer life. Remember, great things happen when God mixes with human beings. Do not go it alone; take a reliable and willing friend along, JESUS.
Lord, may your Spirit illuminate our way through important life’s decision. Amen.

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