The Feast of St Mary Magdalene

The Feast of St Mary Magdalene


Song 3:1-4, 2 Cor. 5:14-17, Jn 20:1-2.11-18. On this Feast of St Mary Magdalene, the readings present an aspect of Mary Magdalene and her quest for a closer relationship with the Lord. In the first of the two possibilities for the first reading is from the Song of Songs. In it, the bride longs for her lover and, going out seeking him and asking people if they have seen him. The other choice is Paul’s words, reminding us of the newness which comes from a relationship with the Lord Jesus. The Responsorial Psalm presents the desire to be with the Lord God, while today's Gospel is the narration of the post-resurrection encounter of Jesus with Mary Magdalene. It was the result of a loving and intense search as she shed tears in front of the tomb.

When we seek Jesus with love, Jesus allows us to find Him. The motive is love, not self-gain. This seems to be the way of the mystics and Mary Magdalene epitomises that way. It is no easy path, as it entails the ‘darkness’, ‘the tomb’ and ‘weeping’.  Moreover, our union with Jesus is not for ourselves but a gift to be shared. The life of Mary Magdalene challenges us to know that there is indeed no saint without a past and no sinner without a future. Mary Magdalene, a woman of shame becomes a woman of honour, abuser of love to a defender of love and a public sinner becomes a saint. In the way in which the appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene is described we distinguish the stages followed, from the painful seeking for the dead friend to the encounter of the risen Lord. These are also the stages that we all follow, along our life, seeking God and in living out the Gospel value. As we continue to deepen our relationship with our Teacher (Rabbouni) we should, as Mary Magdalene did, be willing to long for deeper relationship with Jesus and go out to announce the Good News.

May the Lord help us in our continuous search for the Lord Jesus who desires to have an ever deepening relationship with us! Amen!! Stay safe and have a wonderful day!!!

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