Jesus is sensitive to our vulnerability

Jesus is sensitive to our vulnerability


Micah 2:1-5, Mt. 12:14-21. To retain the privilege of being God’s elect, we need to practise kindness, compassion and a healthy humility. In today's first reading, God speaks through the prophet Micah to warn those who perpetrate evil on the poor and outcasts. The prophet’s admonition is that the wicked will have to answer for their wickedness. Micah saw the need for his people to have deep reform. Instead of sleeping at night, they now “work out evil on their couches” coveting fields and seizing them, cheating others of their inheritance. Land-grabbers reversed the purpose of the exodus, where God’s people were meant to live in a homeland where each family passed its property from one generation to the next (Lev. 25:3-28), but many reduced others to slavery. As punishment, Gentiles seize all the land for themselves.

Today's Gospel also presents Jesus as one who is sensitive to those who are vulnerable. He can restore the bruised reed and fan into a living flame the smouldering wick. There are times when we need to come before the Lord in our imperfection and vulnerability to ask Him to renew and strengthen us. Such a prayer to the Lord could take the form of that wonderful prayer for the Holy Spirit we say: "Come thou Father of the poor. Heal our wounds, our strength renew, on our dryness pour thy dew." When we are touched by the power of Jesus, the Life-giver, we in turn can become sources of life and healing for others. In His name the Gentiles will find hope.” If we disregard our neighbour in time of sickness and trouble, we do not deserve to be called Christians, for, like Jesus we are called to cure and heal, quietly, without ostentation. We cannot disregard outsider without being called to account by God. We cannot disregard outsider without being called to account by God. As we show empathy for foreigners, on the example of Jesus, we will be instruments of hope, not just for others but also for ourselves. In many ways, others can teach us how to be God’s chosen people.

May the Lord make our lives on earth proclaim the glory of God so that we may praise Him without ceasing in Heaven! Amen!! Keep safe and happy weekend!!!

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