Build on Christ the Solid Rock

Build on Christ the Solid Rock


2 Kgs 24:8-17, Mt. 7:21-29. We can reverse the consequences of our faults, with the help of God but we must first become aware of those faults and feel remorse for them. According to the covenant-theology of the Old Testament from Deuteronomy to second Kings, the Israelites were blessed and cherished by God insofar as they kept His law, as they promised; but if they abandoned the covenant they would be punished with exile and disaster. This is precisely the reason, they reckoned, they were invaded by the Babylonians and carried off to shameful exile, as graphically described in today's first reading. However, the long-term effects of that exile, were that, the people of God reached a purified and more spiritual understanding of their relationship with God. For us to grow in a deeper relationship with God, the word of God must shape our attitudes and behaviour. We can easily withstand any storms that come our way in life if we stand on the rock that never fails. The house of peace is built on the rock of Christ where we are one family, one blood. We must do much more than simply say “my brother, my sister” or “Lord, Lord!”

It is not enough to make one single lavish display of goodwill and then forget about our neighbour. A house of mere words will not last; it is built on sand and will be easily washed away at the next storm. In today's Gospel, Jesus calls us to do the will of our Heavenly Father. We enter the Kingdom of God, the secure house of faithful love, by doing the will of God continuously and faithfully. There are three activities that followers of Jesus engage in, speaking, listening and doing. When we gather for public prayer we speak; we call on Jesus as “Lord, Lord.” At public worship and at times of private prayer we listen; we hear the word of the Lord and let it sink into our hearts. Speaking and listening will always be central to the life of a disciple. However, Jesus adds that unless our speaking and our listening overflow into good actions their value is undermined. It is not enough to say “Lord, Lord,” — for we must also do the will of the Father in Heaven. It is not enough to listen to the words of Jesus, we need to act on them. We must act in harmony with what we say and what we hear. When our speaking to God and our listening to His word bear fruit in good works, imitating the life of Jesus, then our lives are solidly grounded, like a house built on rock.

May the Lord allow us to be guided and governed by the Holy Spirit and may all believers be led into the way of truth! Amen!! Stay safe and do have a great day!!!

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