Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven


1 Kings 17:1-6, Mt. 5:1-12. Today's first reading presents the great drought and famine that occurred during the reign of king Ahab of Israel. At that time, Ahab was infamous as one of the most sinful among the kings of Israel, as he and his wife, Jezebel did not just disobey God and led the people of the northern kingdom of Israel into sin, but their deeds such as the murder of Naboth the vinegrower was truly wicked and evil. The drought and famine were not meant to make the people suffer without reason but to remind them that their wickedness have not been in accordance with the natural law and as a result (with nature out of balance-remove), had to suffer for their refusal to obey the Lord. Elijah was alone in his courageous efforts to turn the people back towards God, against the king, queen and the worshippers of Baal and the other pagan gods, the Baal priests alone numbering at least four hundred and fifty.

It would be difficult not to think that the prophet Elijah might have considered giving up his very difficult and challenging ministry, working among people that were not open and willing to listen to his words and the words of God. God reassured Elijah that those who remained faithful in Him would not be disappointed. In the famous Sermon on the Mount as recorded in today's Gospel, Jesus assures the poor in spirit the Kingdom of Heaven. We are poor in spirit as we depend on God for everything; when we are gentle and humble of heart; when we mourn because God’s will is not being done on earth. We are truly blessed if we are poor in spirit, mourn, gentle, hunger and thirst, merciful and peacemakers. These reminders for us, that as Christians, we are called to live our lives with all virtues, obeying God’s laws, showing love to our fellow brethren and when we encounter challenges and difficulties, persecutions and troubles for being faithful. All of us have to remain strong in our faith and stay committed to the end.

May the Lord give us the fruits of the Holy Spirit, make us patient, kind and gentle! Amen!! Remain safe and have a productive week!!!

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