God is made accessible to us

God is made accessible to us


Acts 18:23-28, Jn 16:23-28. Paul’s favourite metaphor in his teaching to the Christians was the phrase ‘in Christ.’ Jesus also spoke often of His being in us and our being in Him. Today's first reading and the Gospel base on the teaching on this mutual indwelling. When we are in Christ we appear to the Father as Christ and are loved with the same love that the Father has for the Son. Jesus is revealing a new relationship between God and the believers. Especially after the resurrection, Jesus draws us to a personal and direct relationship with God without intermediaries that were prevalent till the day. Now God has become accessible to us and we approach God not because of our merits, but because Jesus the only intercessor has made us lovable and acceptable for God.

Our love for Jesus is our passport to live with the Father and have our home in Heaven. Our love for Jesus is a practical, down-to-earth love which shows itself in our concern for others. This is clear from the first reading, as it paints a good picture of the Church at its best; believers helping, supporting and encouraging others in faith, helping each other to grow in the Lord. This is what the Church is called to be in every generation, a Church where the Spirit is alive and active. When Apollos decided to journey to Corinth after his baptism, the faithful in Ephesus encouraged him to go in their name. Believing that others could be inspired by the words of this learned convert, they sent a letter ahead of him to the Church in Corinth. When Apollos reached Corinth, his knowledge of the Scriptures proved to be a great help to the local community. Let us imitate Priscilla, Aquila, Apollos, especially this period of pandemic to become signs of love and compassion of God as we extend helping handS to others, so that we can really represent God on earth.

May the Lord help us to be willing to trust more in God, to draw closer and commit ourselves to Him and may He heal our world! Amen!! Remain safe and Happy Weekend!!!

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