The Holy Spirit will lead us to the complete truth

The Holy Spirit will lead us to the complete truth


Acts 17:15.22-8:1, Jn 16:12-15. In today's first reading, Paul recognises the exquisite beauty of the many artworks carved in marble in the Areopagus, the main square of Athens. By their statuary and architecture the Greeks left a legacy celebrating the beauty of the world and human nature. Addressing a curious audience of Athenians, Paul appreciates the ingenuity of their poets who recognise the common ‘Fatherhood of God:’ “for we too are his offspring.” Pointing to the inscription on one of their altars: “To an unknown god," he declared: “What you are thus worshipping in ignorance I intend to make known to you.” After a polished, well articulated speech, he concludes with a statement that clashed with the Greek understanding of human nature. By saying that God has endorsed Jesus by raising Him from the dead. At that point some sneered, while others said: “We will hear you again about this.”

While a large number rejected, a few audience did accept the message and became Christians; Dionysius and Damaris and a few others. They agreed with Paul that the unknown God does not dwell in statues or sanctuaries, but in human hearts and in communities. The mystery of God is so profound that we cannot easily grasp it without the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In today's Gospel, Jesus assures us that the Holy Spirit would teach us the whole truth and enlighten us in the full knowledge of God. Like Paul’s converts, we trust that the Holy Spirit will lead us to the complete truth about God, about our world and ourselves. As pilgrims, we must always be open to where the Spirit leads, towards God in whom we live and move and have our being. Today, we are also challenged to seek more of those elements and values that unite us as a people of one Father. Our faith in God is a common inheritance; journeying together empowers us as individuals and as a people. Let us bond a lot more with the Holy Spirit, invoke Him in and out of season, so that our spontaneity may always be inspired by Him.

May the enlightenment from the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth bond us in unity of purpose, in union with the Father! Amen!! Stay safe and stay alive, Jesus loves you!!!

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