Let us see the Father

Let us see the Father


Acts 13:44-52, Jn 14:7-14. When Paul and Barnabas were expelled from the Synagogue and extradited from the territory, as narrated in today's first reading, what seemed a failure actually served the spread of the Gospel. Yet, this seeming failure did not dampen their spirits or courage to continue to preach and reach out to others, even to those who have rejected and persecuted them. This serve as a point of encouragement for the first Christians, the many saints and martyrs walked in the path of the Apostles and that of Paul and Barnabas, fearlessly being witnesses of their faith in God in all occasions and because of this, countless souls had been saved and many more were brought closer to God’s salvation. We can apply this principle in any crisis or change, trusting that the whole process is under the loving providence of our God.

With such hope of salvation, Philip asks in today's Gospel: “Let us see the Father and then we shall be satisfied.” He understood that if only he could see the face of God all his longings would be satisfied. Jesus replied: “To have seen me is to have seen the Father.” It is Jesus who reveals the Father; He is the way to the Father. We cannot see the face of God in this life, but God has sent us His Son. We cannot see Jesus physically as the Apostles did, but we can see Him with the eyes of faith. We can meet Him in His Word, in the Eucharist, in the other Sacraments and in the poor. Today, we have the obligation to be the bearers of God’s truth in our lives and within our communities. We are called to follow the Lord with all of our hearts and to show our faith through our words, deeds and actions. We should no longer be lukewarm in our faith, instead we must live our faith with ever greater enthusiasm and zeal from now on.

May the Lord open our eyes and hearts to recognise God in the daily events of our life and heal the world from coronavirus! Amen!! Remain safe and Happy weekend!!!

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