I tell you before it takes place, so that you may know that I AM

I tell you before it takes place, so that you may know that I AM


Acts 13:13-25, Jn 13:16-20. In today's first reading, Paul reveals some of the great moments of Israel’s history, while preaching in a Synagogue in Pisidia. He focuses on Moses, David and John the Baptist, leading ultimately to Jesus. Israel’s long history from the eternal God to Jesus, saw many hardships and new situations. They escaped from oppression in Egypt but their entry to the land of promise was delayed for forty years. Even when they invaded the land of Canaan it was a long time before they settled under a monarchy. Their first king, Saul was deposed; and after four centuries David’s dynasty also disappeared. Like Yahweh on Mount Horeb, Jesus says in today's Gospel: "I AM." This "I AM" title not only identifies Jesus with the 'Eternal Divinity', but links Him into the long history of Israel. He is the visible presence of the God who spoke to Moses at the burning bush, the mysterious saviour whose name is “I AM” or Yahweh (Ex. 3:14).

In fact, the name for Jesus in Hebrew - "Jeho-shua", means “Yahweh saves”. God is known as the reliable One who will always be with His people. Gradually they discovered that aspect of God in their hopes, struggles and triumphs. This sacred name of Yahweh is echoed by Jesus when He says: “that you may believe that I AM.” In this phrase He links Himself to the entire saving history of Israel and of mankind. This series of defeats and renewal continued within the life of Jesus and His Church. Judas, betrayed Him; but Jesus prophesied about this betrayal and put it in a positive light: “I tell you before it takes place, so that you may know that I AM.” Life-changing events can appear to be disruptive or disastrous. However, in the life of Jesus such events were providentially part of God’s plan: “So that you may believe that I AM.” God moves in ways we cannot anticipate in advance. However, even when we are not in control of events, this is no reason to despair and give up. Rather, let us learn to turn to God in prayer and realise that ultimately, is God who directs all things. Trusting in this providence, we can be inwardly at peace.

May the Lord bring His peace into the world, heal the face of the earth and help us to recognise God in the daily events of our lives! Amen!! Keep safe and have a terrific day!!!

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