God love the world

God love the world


Acts 5:17-26, Jn 3:16-21. God’s love is not self-centred, it reaches out and draws others in. God proved to humanity that His love is sincere by paying dearly with the life of His beloved Son. If God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son for the life of the world, then we have nothing to fear. The forces of greed and violence, rooted in fear, are ranged to destroy us but God’s message still echoes: Fear not. We grow up with condemnation and we fear we are never good enough, but today's Gospel reminds us that Jesus did not come to condemn, but to save. 

The first reading invites us to believe in God’s loving power to unlock our real and metaphorical prisons and set us free to preach the resurrection with our lives. After being freed from prison, Peter and John returned to the Temple and spoke their message to an enthusiastic audience. They seem to ignore their recent escape and risked their lives for the Gospel. When the Temple police came to stop them, they showed restraint “for fear of being stoned by the crowd.” The obvious sincerity of the Apostles won the warm support and approval of ordinary Jews. That is the new inner light lit in our hearts by the resurrection, be willing to pay with our lives, comforts and advantages, so that others may encounter and receive God’s love. As we are exposed to the light of resurrection, it opens the eyes towards an ‘eternal perspective’ of the events and choices of our life, inspiring us to obey God and do what is right. Everyone who seeks the truth is already being guided by the light of Christ, even if they are not yet aware of it. People of faith, who are open to the light of Christ, will share forever in the eternal light of the living God who made us.

May the Lord make our lives example of His love, may our lives truly signify our love of God and our gratitude for the great love we enjoy! Amen!! Be safe and be at peace with everyone!!!

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