The Holy Spirit blows where He wills

The Holy Spirit blows where He wills


Acts 4:23-31, Jn 3:1-8. When and where the Spirit will guide us, cannot be determined ahead of time. As Jesus said: “The wind blows where it will… You do not know where it comes from or where it goes.” Today's first reading expresses the working of the Holy Spirit for unity as Jesus initiated a tradition which the early Christians continued, namely community living amid ‘teamwork’. He was always with His disciples and sent them out in pairs. Peter and John went out together and on their return after their arrest, interrogation and consequent release the whole community reassembled. They shared their experience within community living. What is most outstanding in their faith-expression is their ‘oneness’ and they prayed with one voice.

It is the spirit that led Nicodemus in today's Gospel, to seek the truth in a literal-minded way, so that at first he finds Jesus’ spiritual statements hard to fathom. He resists the Lord’s talk about re-birth: “How can a man be born again once he is old? Can he return to his mother’s womb?” Despite such resistance, the Holy Spirit can bring us to a new birth. By the gift of the Holy Spirit we begin to live a new quality of life. Our responses to friends, ideals and scale of values, all aspects of our life will look different, if we welcome the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. What the Holy Spirit achieves in us is a spiritual not a physical rebirth. We do not re-enter our mother’s womb. Rather an inner change takes place which activates our hidden potential and sharpens what had become dull and boring, to make us what we are meant to be, “salt of the earth.” The Nicodemus story invites us to make progress in our relationship with Jesus. Even if we are lukewarm at times, we can grow more committed as life moves on. However, Spiritual growth does not come by will-power alone; it is ultimately the work of the Spirit in our hearts. We need to be 'Spirit-born' to enter the Kingdom of God. As a sailboat needs the wind, we need the Spirit to fill our sails for the voyage of life. This Easter is a good time to invite the Holy Spirit to be our guide in life.

May the Lord send forth His Spirit to inspire, strengthen and encourage us in our quest for unity and love! Amen!! Remain safe and have a glorious week!!!

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